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New Moon in Aquarius February 1, 2022

This is also the day that Imbolc is celebrated on February first as the sun sets. The mythology of the pagan holiday marks the birth of the new sun. Which will give us more warmth day after day. Imbolc is a time to celebrate and feast for the upcoming spring, cleansing and renewal. While the earth is still covered with snow, the warmth of spring starts to fill the air. The birds will remind us today that the warmth is near. Take this time to rest and light up your world with candles and other things that reminds you of the sun.

The New Moon in Aquarius

This is a time for new beginnings, planting the seeds and a time of rebirth. The new moon on February 1, 2022, marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. When the new moon rises in Aquarius, it is energy empowers us to reflect on our future while putting aside all doubts and fears. During this time be cautious in your relationships with loved ones and try to avoid conflict. Watch your words and how you say things as things you thought of as harmless could provoke a fight.

Now is a good time to connect with your community and other like minded people, rather then a romantic venture. Aquarius inspires us to purse your dreams and will give us a sense of inner freedom or confidence.

Mercury is at the tail end of it's retrograde so the new moon is a great time to set new moon intentions for the upcoming month. This new moon I will dress a candle with oil and herbs and write down all my goals and wishes. The paper will be folded up and added to my manifestation box.


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