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8-8 Lion's Gate

The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms.

This astrological and spiritual gateway has roots that go back to ancient Egypt and for thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic influx and activation!

The 8-8 Lions Gate Portal is marked by the numerology of 8-8, the Sun's presence in the Astrological sign of Leo the Lion, and the rising of the star Sirius on the horizon

Leo energy is the perfect stage to anchor the ascension codes and energies of higher consciousness broadcast through the star Sirius and through the Great Central Sun.

When this alignment happens, there is an intense surge of light which awakens DNA, activates the human energy field, and transmits high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening.

Light codes of ascension, mastery, and evolution from Sirius, sometimes called the Spiritual Sun, pour towards Earth, offering humanity another level of activation and opportunity for progression on the ascension path.

Leo energy is the perfect stage to anchor the ascension codes and energies of higher consciousness broadcast through the star Sirius and through the Great Central Sun.

When this alignment happens, there is an intense surge of light which awakens DNA, activates the human energy field, and transmits high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening.

The Lion's Gate Portal is a unique phenomenon that occurs once a year during the northern hemisphere's summer. It is often described as being like a tunnel or gateway through space and time, connecting us with ancient wisdom. For many, it represents a portal that connects us to our inner self, spirit guides, ancestors, the divine and spiritual realms. In addition to the spiritual benefits, there are practical applications for the Lion’s Gate such as increasing productivity, creative energy, abundance, and healing.

Numerology of 8-8

Eight is considered one of the luckiest numbers in numerology and is believed to bring good fortune. This day has a lot of auspicious energy because it falls on the eighth day of the 8th month. Visually, an 8 is also literally an infinity sign turned upright, which represents the infinite - an ebb and flow, the growth and contraction that is woven into life itself. The day 8/8 blends astrology and numerology together in a synergistic and interesting way adding another layer to this mystical portal. Being the eighth day of the month of August, combined with the number eight, it is the ultimate cosmic alignment

Affirmations to use during this time..

My talents help me succeed

Success comes easy to me

I expand into myself with each passing moment

I am deserving

I am dedicated to my craft

I love learning about myself and the world around me

Everything is happening for me

My life is brimming with abundance

I embody the shining elements of the sun and leo

I move through challenges easily and successfully

I embrace my shortcomings and transmute them into opportunities

I find the mysteries of life exciting

Magic is always brewing

I am constantly shedding and evolving

I welcome change as it brings opportunities

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